Gong Yue - Loves in 80s Gong Yue - Loves in 80s

The album 龚玥 - 民歌红 performed by singer Gong Yue 龚玥 with 13 songs: 童年, 祝你一路顺风, 枕着你的名字入眠, 东方之珠, 美丽的花蝴蝶, 最真的梦, 晚秋, 大海啊故乡, 同桌的你,

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Gong Yue - Loves in 70s Gong Yue - Loves in 70s

The album 龚玥 - 民歌红 performed by singer Gong Yue 龚玥 with 15 songs: 离家的孩子, 妈妈的吻, 外婆的澎湖湾, 回家的人, 冰糖葫芦, 众人划桨开大船, 中华民谣, 山不转水转, 信天游,

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Gong Yue - Red Folk Song Gong Yue - Red Folk Song

The album 龚玥 - 民歌红 performed by singer Gong Yue 龚玥 with 15 songs: 母亲, 父亲, 常回家看看, 十送红军, 莫愁啊莫愁, 美丽的草原我的家, 小白杨, 牧羊曲, 月亮之上, 天路, 遇上你是我的缘, 为了谁, 月儿...

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