A rmik (With Full Name Armik Dashch) is an Armenian Iranian flamenco guitarist and composer. Several of his albums have reached Billboard...
A rmik (With Full Name Armik Dashch) is an Armenian Iranian flamenco guitarist and composer. Several of his albums have reached Billboard...
"Ultimate Classical Guitar" Is a non-verbal album by musicians showing over 10 songs : 1. Allegro con spirito, 2. Adagio, 3. Al...
The album "Pink Guitar" was performed by artist Henry Mancini with 13 songs: Pink Panther Theme, Moon River, Days of Wine and R...
Album: Tuyển chọn những ca khúc hòa tấu trữ tình đặc sắc gồm 10 bài, với các nhạc phẩm như: Còn Tuổi Nào Cho Em, Còn Đó Chút Hồng Phai, H...
"Positive Thinking" Is a non-verbal album by musicians showing over 10 songs: Passionelle, Rainwatching W. I, Cadaques, The Fiv...
Album: Tuyển chọn những ca khúc không lời được gồm 10 bài, với các nhạc phẩm như: Bay Đi Cánh Chim Biển, Màu Mắt Nhung, Một Tình Yêu, Em ...
Jeff Golub (April 15, 1955 - January 1, 2015) was an American jazz guitarist who had a solo career and who led the band Avenue Blue. The ...
The album performed by singer Steve Strauss with 13 songs: Just Like Love, Angel, Youngstown, Old Crow, Dead Man, Jennie Mae, Brother Mule, ...
Album: Tuyển chọn những tình khúc không lời Trịnh Công Sơn gồm 12 bài, với các nhạc phẩm như: Hạ Trắng, Biết Đâu Nguồn Cội, Còn Tuổi Nào ...
A rmik (With Full Name Armik Dashch) is an Armenian Iranian flamenco guitarist and composer. Several of his albums have reached Billboard...
The album "Flesh on Flesh" was performed by artist Wang Jun-xiong with 12 songs: 十二点, 想飞了, 秋天裡的甜蜜回忆, 慵懒的香颂咖啡, 温暖的夜风摇篮曲, 他乡的风花雪月, 心...
Al Di Meola (born Al Laurence Dimeola; July 22, 1954 in Jersey City, New Jersey) is an American jazz fusion and Latin jazz guitarist, compos...
A coustic Alchemy is an English contemporary instrumental and smooth jazz band formed in England in the early 1980s (c. 1981). The Acoustic ...
F rancis Goya (born François Edouard Weyer, 16 May 1946) is a Belgian classical guitar player and producer. He has recorded fifty albums, ma...
A coustic Alchemy is an English contemporary instrumental and smooth jazz band formed in England in the early 1980s (c. 1981). The Acoustic ...
Album: Tuyển chọn các ca khúc không lời do nghệ sĩ Vĩnh Tâm thể hiện gồm 11 bài, với các nhạc phẩm như: Đường Xa Ướt Mưa, Tình Khúc Chiều Mư...
R oxette is a Swedish pop rock duo, consisting of Marie Fredriksson (vocals) and Per Gessle (vocals and guitar). Formed in 1986. The album p...
A coustic Alchemy is an English contemporary instrumental and smooth jazz band formed in England in the early 1980s (c. 1981). The Acoustic ...
A coustic Alchemy is an English contemporary instrumental and smooth jazz band formed in England in the early 1980s (c. 1981). The Acoustic ...
A rmik (With Full Name Armik Dashch) is an Armenian Iranian flamenco guitarist and composer. Several of his albums have reached Billboard...
F rancis Goya (born François Edouard Weyer, 16 May 1946) is a Belgian classical guitar player and producer. He has recorded fifty albums, ma...
A coustic Alchemy is an English contemporary instrumental and smooth jazz band formed in England in the early 1980s (c. 1981). The Acoustic ...
Kotaro Oshio (押尾 コータロー Oshio Kōtarō, real name: 押尾 光太郎) is an acoustic guitarist from Japan. The album "Starting Point" was perfor...
O ttmar Liebert (born 1 February 1959) is a German guitarist, songwriter and producer best known for his Spanish-influenced easy listening m...